October 11, 2007

Our latest is not so interesting…we’ve just been trying to work at being a family again now that John is home from Academy. We are enjoying the great fall weather that has started here. If makes for nice evening walks and playtime at the park with the kids. John and I have been enjoying quiet afternoons with our coffee and football- the best combo!
We are experiencing terrible twos with Alison! She has the loudest shriek I’ve ever heard and the largest lung capacity ever! She has taken to torturing her little sister, something that is sure to continue for a lifetime! Jeremiah is doing so well in Preschool. He is learning much faster than I expected for such a little guy. Our latest fav thing to do is sing songs. Hosanna continues to be the champ at eating, sleeping and pooing! She is really starting to fill out and today she cooed at me for the first time! I totally forgot how quickly they change.
It is so amazing how we are reminded each day of God’s love. We have these precious little beings on loan to raise and teach His word. What’s more amazing is that the love he has for us can and is greater than the love we have for them –and I love mine a whole lot!
We hope you are all having a great beginning to your fall season as we are! Keep us posted.

1 comment:

the Miller's said...

Glad you guys are family once again. We completely understand the strain it puts on all of you....and the time it takes to readjust! Hope we can see you soon!