December 16, 2009

We made a trip north this last week. Jeremiah had a doctor's appointment at Seattle Children's to look into an issue he has been having...thank the Lord, all went well and we have a healthy boy! Nothing further to be done and he is just fine.
While we were in Seattle, we stayed a night at a hotel downtown. John and I were so busy just finding the hotel and then getting all our loot and troop into our room, that when Jeremiah walked over to the hotel window, flung the curtains wide open and exclaimed "IT's a ROCKET!!" We were both completely suprised that our room had an amazing view of the Space Needle, Experience Music project and all of downtown. Everything was lit-up for Christmas and so beautiful. I didn't get any pics taken until the early the next morning and by that time they had turned off the extra was still beautiful though! Jeremiah and Alison loved to sit by the window and talk about all the people the "rocket" was taking to space....they were watching the gold elevator go up and down-lol! Love their imagination!

The next day after Jeremiah's appointment, we took the kids to lunch at Red Robin on the pier and then walked them down a block to the Seattle Aquarium. They had SO much fun! We watched a diver in one of the big tanks feeding fish, touched the urchins and starfish in the touch pool, watched a giant ocotopus get fed, went in the underground water dome to see the sharks and other fish, listened to the sound of whales and soooo much more! We will definitly be visiting there again....but next time we are taking a stroller-my arms were killing me!
Also on our trip the kids got to spend some time with their grandparents and we were able to visit with aunts, uncles and cousins too. We had a very nice time at Dan and Elizabeth's and even had a quick visit to Uncle Dan's new autobody shop :) On Wednesday, the 9th, we celebrated Alison's birthday. Since we were still on our trip, we wanted to do something fun for her. We were headed home so we stopped for a visit with a our very good friend Heidi....we had so much fun catching up and we will miss her when she leaves for Africa for a year :( After we said our goodbyes, we stopped and suprised Alison with another treat....she was going to be getting her ears pierced! She has been asking for a long time for "pretties in her ears" and so John decided her birthday was a great opportunity. She was SO brave and didn't even cry! She held mommies hand and smiled. Such a BIG girl! We finally made it home...and I am happy to say, I've only left the house twice since :)

In other news...we had a major snow fall over the weekend and we have been enjoying it from the comfort of our new family room :o)

December 3, 2009

Finally some more pics!
The kiddos were warming their toes on one of our recent chilly mornings. I sat on the kitchen counter and took this looking down at them...they thought it was hilarious.

The BEFORE of our family room.....

The AFTER of our remodel....subfloor and finishing will happen next year. It's usable and cozy enough for us now :)

Miss Hosanna and Momma

Watching Monsters vs. Aliens at Papa and Nana's while they were in Arizona...Momma was doing laundry since our dryer had broke.

November 28, 2009

A little teaser for now...

Because we don't have a working camera...other than our phones right's been a bit difficult to get some pics of the kiddos lately. So until I can scrounge up some more pics of the latest and are more of our awesome photoshoot in September.

November 27, 2009

I promise I'll update the blog sometime this weekend :) (Just for you Grammy)

October 29, 2009

Tub time

I thought this was cute...Judah in the "tub":
Ok, I know it’s been a loooong time since the last post. I’ve been busy! Our kids were sick, John was sick then I got sick so we have been trying to get better. All of us are on the mend PTL!
Jeremiah has been loving school. He is doing really well. Next week we have our first Parent/Teacher conferences…so we will see what the teacher has to say.
Alison has been such a good helper around the house. She misses her brother while he is away at school but I think she is really enjoying her time with Mom and Dad.
Hosanna is EVERYWHERE. No kidding. That kid can climb walls, windows….anything. I don’t think she has a “slow” speed. She is very cute though.
Judah turned 9 months old this week. He loves eating and sleeping, of course. He is also getting very busy. He is crawling everywhere, chewing on everything and just going everywhere. He just got two more teeth in the last couple days making the total 5. He started clapping this week as well. He is just so adorable!
John has been working as usual. He is getting ready to go elk hunting and fill our freezer-yay! Be praying he gets a big one this year :)
We have been doing more home improvements…or spending more money, that’s what it should be called anyway. We hired out the finishing in our family room and hopefully it will be ready to paint by the weekend or first of next week. I installed laminate flooring in our kitchen yesterday…it was fairly easy and free! Our good friends, the Smith’s had replaced their laminate with a different color laminate when they remodeled their kitchen this summer…so they donated the older stuff(which was only a couple years old) to us! It looks great and will look even better when we get all the trim, ect finished.
I have been staying very busy as well. Our church took about 80 ladies to a women’s retreat in Cove, Oregon a couple weekends ago and it was wonderful! I found out a very good friend is getting married in a couple months-yay Kristin! And I have been spending some very special time with my friend Genevieve before her husband takes her back to the east coast…she has been here all summer while he served in Afganistan. I am going to miss her so much! I think my kids might miss her just as much if not a little more…they love their Miss Genevieve. I have also been doing a lot of sewing lately…all kinds of little projects. I am hoping to have some things ready to sell at the church craft bazaar in December.All is well in the Thorndike household overall. We are getting ready for a busy fall…so hopefully I will be better about blogging :)

October 1, 2009


September 15, 2009

Last Friday was a very busy day! Jeremiah had a special lunch at school as it was Grandparents Day. The grandparents were invited for a free lunch with the students. After lunchtime, the kids showed the grandparents around the campus. It just so happened that Jeremiah was also class President the same day! Both Papa and Nana joined him, as well as Grammy! He was so excited and showed them all the fun stuff about school. He also took them on a tour of his class showing them where he sat, played, ect. and also the beautiful "B's" he was chosen to write on the board that morning. Such a great day!